Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Remember me?  I've been away for a while.  I had a break while the A-Z Challenge was going on and then I got busy doing other stuff.  I 'm really looking forward to a sit-down on the porch with Patrice and the other chatters. 

 There's a lamb grazing in her front yard!  With the cat on the porch it sounds so-o relaxed.  Patrice has some interesting conversation going on today...can you hear?

Do you have any musical instruments in your house? If so, which ones do you have?    Well, there's my piano, of course.  And right now, we're storing my son's four guitars which I'm sure he's missing while he's at sea.  I have an Irish penny whistle which I can't really play and there are some maracas in the drawer. 

When you take a walk, what are you likely to pick or pick up from the ground?  Hmmm...depends on where I walk.  On the seashore, I'm likely to find a rock that I like.  On our city streets, there are still pennies to be found.  Or trash that needs picking up.  I don't usually pick leaves or flowers.

They say to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I guess that means you have fuel for your body to get through the day and don't have a full tummy when you go to bed. Are your meals like that?  I think so.  My favorite evening meal is soup.  If there's going to be a larger meal, I'd prefer it to be lunch.  

Do you prefer iced coffee or iced tea?  Iced tea.  Recently, I've started enjoying it without anything added. 

How do you handle doing things you'd rather not do?  Being a champion procrastinator, I put them off.  I always have this small hope that somehow I won't have to do them. 

It's not too late to join in.  Just look over here.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

At random

I'm back with the random info-bits that I may never have shared before.  Of course, this required major rummaging through the mind which I could only do in the shower.  So, here I am with ten new- to you - things about me.

1.  I have always liked silver better than gold.  To me, silver has a more human quality.  It tarnishes, and yet, can always be polished to a beautiful sheen.  And, like people, the older it gets, the softer and lovelier the sheen becomes becomes. 

2.  It took me fifty years to appreciate my curly hair.  Or maybe I just got tired of fighting it...I just cut it short now.

3.  I dislike repetition.  Reading books again, seeing movies more than once are not my kind of pleasure. 

4.  This is probably the same root as the above:  I never look back.  The present and the future are infinitely more interesting than the past. 

5.  Personality tests are fascinating to me.  I have participated in so many different methods:  Meyers-Briggs, Enneagram, True Colors, numerology.  You name it, I've done it. Horoscopes always make me look.  One of these days, I'll find out what I'm really like.

6.  Many years ago, I wrote and submitted a short story for publication.  Sadly, it was rejected.  I don't really have the knack for writing fiction, I think.

7.  I once worked in a guitar store.  They built guitars, sold them and gave guitar lessons.  It was a wonderful place to work.  Every day, I was surrounded by music.  There was always someone - and usually more than one - playing. 

8.  When I was about six, my friend's grandmother lived in a tiny house in their back yard.  I thought this was the most wonderful place to live and have been wanting a wee house of my own ever since.  There is something so attractive about these small living spaces made for one.  Especially if mine were in the middle of the garden. Or by the sea.  Of course, I'd still need the big house for all my serious stashes. 

9.  My best job ever was being a stay-at-home mom.  I could practice many trades/professions every day:  teacher, nurse, psychologist, UN peacekeeper, seamstress, plumber, chef, communications specialist, drama critic, sports coach, gardener.  Moms get to do everything...the variety was terrific and the pay-off wasn't bad either. 

10.  Apparently, I am shrinking.  My tall sons have noticed this.  And my daughter has also noted that she doesn't believe that she's still growing taller.  I think it might be true. 

The last thing I must do for this award is pass it on to six other bloggers.  I'm sorry but I can't do this - choosing is too hard.  Please visit any, or all, of the bloggers I follow.  Each one is creative in their own way.  I cannot just pick six. 

Thank you to Sue and Julie for the award.  This was fun.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Catching up

It seems I have a lot of that to do.  Leaving my friends' blog posts alone for a week or so is a dangerous thing.  I knew they had lives of their own but when you're not looking they seem to just 'splode with activity.

Some unexpected activity was receiving the Kreativ Blogger award - twice!  I am doubly honored by Sue at I Refuse to Go Quietly and ladydragonfly at The World of Julie B.  Of course, there are obligations that go with honor:  I have to answer a few specific questions and then tell you even more random stuff about myself.  Let's start with the questions...

What is your favorite song?  Too hard.  All time fave?  Probably Elvis singing "How Great Thou Art'.  I can't give you a modern song because I don't listen to the popular music much any more.  Trying to cast my mind back to my youth would bring me to the Beatles and 'Something'.

What is your favorite dessert?  That's easy.  It's always been creme caramel.  If it's accidently brulee'd, I'm OK with that, too. 

What ticks you off?  Intolerance - in all its many forms and excuses.

When you're upset what do you do?  Usually get quiet.  Definitely need to leave the scene of the crime.

Which is/was your favorite pet? I think one's first remembered pet is always the favorite. That would have to be our big old Collie-cross that we got as a pup when I was about 3.   Rex was our guard-dog.  He guarded my younger brother and I from ourselves.  We were good explorers and Mom always knew where to find us.  She could see his big husky-type tail waving over our heads.  

Which do you prefer to wear: black or white?  Black.

What is your biggest fear?  Falling - and not without reason.  It seems that is not only my biggest fear but one of my inborn talents.  I've been able to fall over nothing at all since I was able to walk.

What is your attitude, mostly?  I'm a glass half-full kind of girl.

What is perfection?  A baby.

What is your guilty pleasure?  Dark chocolate - taken for medicinal reasons, of course. 

That's all the questions done.  Now for the random stuff...I'm going to leave that until tomorrow.  I have to think hard to come up with ten things you don't already know about me.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday wonders - V

V is for Variety: the spice of my life. 

Yesterday, I became the Intrepid Lady Explorer for a day.  It was great fun and not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be.  I was glad I had some modern shoes to wear and we weren't hacking our way through a jungle.  Our parade got a bit straggly here as we had to stop for an unscheduled photo op.

And, later on, at the fairgrounds, our booth was on a nice grassy field.  Even better for the Lady Explorer to kick off her shoes and get down to some serious bean-bag tossing.

There was a great variety in the parade costumes.  This marching band never disappoints.

And look who came to the Show & Shine!   How many words can you find? Unfortunately for us, we couldn't play - those letters are glued down.  All over the car...inside and out.  Every surface is covered with words.

There's always variety to the day when I look into the knitting bag.  I'm still working on the turquoise week for that one.  But, my attention wandered in the direction of some pretty pink Japanese yarn that I had  found at the thrift store.  So, I cast on my End of the Summer Roses scarf using Ali Green's Chinook Scarf pattern.  One side is i-cord and one side is lace with stocking stitch in between.  Really easy and really effective. 

To me, it looks like the same color as these roses from last fall.

And then, a much-practised-for piano workshop this afternoon makes for a nice variety of activities this weekend.  I'm never bored.

Friday, May 25, 2012


My sewing room has become a retreat this past week.  I've had a project that has a deadline...I'm so good at working to deadlines.  But it does mean that I've ignored my blogging.  I will get round to everyone as soon as I can.  I've missed you all.

Part of the reason I was thinking about sewing last week was because I knew I had this costume to sew.  That is what sent me to the fabric boxes to start with.  And, then, I remembered how much fun sewing is.  My project was an Edwardian costume pour moi to wear in the Lynn Valley Day parade tomorrow.  Since the celebration is 100 years old,  we decided that this was a good theme.  Now, all I needed was a pattern.  A friend lent me hers.  She dropped it off on her way out of town for a holiday.  When I opened it up all I found were the pattern pieces jacket..  That meant no skirt and no blouse.  This is the result of my improvising like mad. 

I only had enough of the brown for the ankle-length skirt - they take a lot of fabric - and a vest.  Fingers crossed it's a warm day - but not too hot.  The jacket sleeves were like the blouse so I could use another pattern for the body and just graft the sleeves on.  Then add a collar and some appropriate lace.  I think it turned out pretty good. 

I remember what I love about sewing at this time of year.  I have this lovely room with lots of windows.  The lilac is blooming right by the window and I can smell the heavenly scent the whole time.  I like the shady morning light coming in - the afternoon is much warmer and brighter.  The classical music is playing; the iron makes little steamy noises every now and then.  The sewing machine purrs and there's peace all around me. 

I still have things to do each day and the peaceful oases have been lovely.  Today is another busy day.  But now that I've re-established my sewing chops, I know I'll get at those fabric pieces we saw last week.  I will start with the summery, blue-flowered one, I think.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday wonders - U

U is for Unique.

We are all unique.

We all come from other unique individuals.  Yet there are similarities - the little girl is my aunt with her daddy, my grandfather. 

These are two of my great-great-grandparents.  I wonder what similarities I have with these two unique ancestors?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Stash

I've been going round in circles this week. 

That's how it feels when you work anything larger than a sock in the round.  Now that I'm over the ever-increasing shoulder and sleeve knitting, I've settled down to just plodding round and round.  Each round does have a nice lace inset, though, and it's just tricky enough to keep me awake.  But it's actually a pretty easy lace pattern with only 3 rows.  Love the color, don't you?

And, from my fabric stash I've pulled these fabric lengths.  I've been whittering on about patterns for the past week.  This is why.  I have  re-discovered these and I! But which one first?  I'm leaning toward the blue flowers on white.  But that red is pretty dramatic.  Then, again, daisies are so fresh and retro at the same time.  See the problem?

In the meantime, it's a holiday weekend here.  There are grandkids to play with and the sun is still shining! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day off

Yesterday we took a  day off from our volunteer work which can resemble work more than fun some weeks.  I took a day off from pattern decisions and we went out to play.  This was also a kind of pre-birthday gift.  Anne had always wanted to have lunch at the Furry Creek Golf Club so off we went.  I thought about making it a surprise - kidnapping and blindfolding her.  But it's a long-ish drive and I knew she'd figure it out anyway.  Or I'd break down and tell her.  Here are just a few snaps from the day ...

A quick stop at Britannia Beach to look around and walk a bit since we were early for lunch.  This baby starling popped out of his nest hole to greet us.

 The community church has been re-purposed.  Letters to God?

 Before the trip we had picked up some toys to be sorted from the thrift shop.  This guy growls and roars.  I couldn't find his off switch.  Every bump seemed to inspire a roar.  There were two of these puppets - no way to even get the batteries out.  And an odd insect-looking thing that yipped.  On every bump. 

Our view from the lunch table...

A cascading waterfall backdrop for their wedding reception room...

A footbridge at Britannia which led to a path along the creek.  This tiny community has been the location for several movies. I have seen none of them. 

This is the creek under the bridge. 

Being a tourist in your own town...always fun.  And it always leaves you wondering why you don't do it more often.  But then we're back to that ordinary world and exploring has to wait for another day.    

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The last word

Yesterday I got very excited about the pattern companies and their digital patterns.  I've spent some time and energy studying the new options open to me.

First, let me say that the printable patterns aren't exactly what I was thinking.  Depending on the pattern I choose, I will be printing  up to 60 pages on my home printer.  I will not be paying any shipping costs but I will be dinged an additional 20% (Simplicity) for the privilege of using my own paper.  After I have my 60 pages stacked up, I then get to spend all kinds of time wrestling with scissors and a pot of rubber cement (recommended) putting the pattern pieces together.  I still like my idea of a small-scale design on a grid that I can draw onto full-size grid paper.  That seems way less wasteful of so many resources. 

More research has led me to the conclusion that I am better off using the pattern sites to peruse the catalogs at home.  These are well-done and I can see how this would be much better than trying to get the same result in-store.  I have lots of paper and pens at home to write down the pattern numbers for presentation to the keeper of the pattern drawers at the fabric store.  I can go through my boxes of fabric lengths and figure out if I have enough before I get too far into the process.  I can also check my notion stash and get everything I need at once.  All the pattern information is right there at the click of my mouse. 

As for price, a little more research shows that since I'm a senior it will cost me $15 for a year's membership  in the fabric store club discount program.  There are member-only fabric sales throughout the year and discounts on patterns, too.  I used to have the membership but let it go because I wasn't using it.  I thought it would be way more costly now.  But I've aged into the cheap seats. 

So, I'll still be buying my patterns in the old way with some new shopping techniques.  All in all, this has been a useful exercise.  If I didn't live so near a store, I would definitely be considering ordering the patterns on-line and having them shipped. If you can wait for the order to be delivered - planning ahead is the key - and can order more than one pattern at a time, it's probably cheaper than my solution. 

 In the meantime, I'll be waiting for the pattern companies to adjust to my way of thinking.  And buying locally.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


OK.  Now I feel sheepish.

I owe the pattern industry an apology.  I have been meaning to look for downloadable patterns but just haven't had the time to do that.  Obviously I had time to whine.  And I can dream up revolutions in the shower so that took no time at all.

I have visited McCalls  who are also responsible for Butterick and Vogue patterns.  And they have what appears to be all their patterns available for sale on-line.  I can see photos, line drawings, materials needed, measurements, fabric required - just everything.  I can order many of them them for about half what I would pay in a retail store.  And, best of all,some of them have printable patterns!

Armed with this discovery, I searched around for Simplicity - and the Burda patterns. I  found it!  Same thing.  Downloadable patterns (for many) and cheaper to order.  With the printable feature I don't have to pay the shipping and the pattern is right there. 

I am so excited!  I'm going to try it out.  Since I have my own idea of what printable patterns might be like, I'm looking forward to the reality.  This is going to be fun.  And for all of you who have said you'd like to look at patterns at home - you can!  .  Just lookin' is easier than actually going to a store. 

Isn't it amazing how fast those pattern companies caught up to me? 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here's how!

I'm still thinking about online patterns.

I did go searching for some but all I found were for crafts or very simple items that usually used a ready-made garment, like jeans or a sweatshirt, as a foundation to make something else.  Any patterns were based on geometrical shapes which are fairly easy to achieve but not always suited to fashion clothing. 

So, here's my solution.  I don't really have the expertise to do it but, hey!  it's all imaginary anyway.  Those of us who sew, know how to trace a pattern.  I've traced pattern pieces from magazines which are paced on a little grid.  Then I just use grid paper and make a  full-size piece.  It's work but no less work than tracing the various sizes of those multi-size patterns that are about all you can buy now. 

So, if the designers could just make me a pattern on a grid, include their directions, and put it online for a reasonable price, I'd buy it.  I would expect that just as in the knit/crochet community the free patterns would also start to flow.  I don't think it would take anything away from the professional clothes designers. It could lead to a whole new wave of home sewers. 

What do you think?  Go ahead...have your say.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Musing on Monday

I have been spoiled.  And it's all the internet's fault. 

Remember my little trip to the fabric store last week?  I was intending to spend some money - did you wonder about that part? - but I never even got close.  When I looked at all my fabric that I had in boxes just waiting to be used I thought that I could at least update the patterns that I have.  A few pieces of the fabric are dated but most is still useable.  Not so the patterns; they are all too big (yes!) and most have shoulders like a line-backer.  Tells you how long it's been since I last sewed anything for myself.  So I ventured to look in the big books.

Holey moley!  I was blown backwards by all the young styles!  The short and skinny dresses on the young models were nothing like what I was looking for.  I couldn't even imagine them on me.  Most were so trendy that I sure couldn't use any pattern more than once...or be able to adapt it to something more suitable to my middle-aged body and lifestyle.  Did I mention these are young! styles?  A funny thing about the styles though...I remember making and wearing similar dresses back in 1973. 

So, strike one.  Then I dug a little deeper into the books and found a couple that I kind of liked.  No, I liked them a lot.  OK...head for the drawer to pull out my choice.  Whoa!  Back I reel from the big sign that says: "New Protocol for pattern selection".  Now, you give the cashier your selection(s) and she retrieves it from the drawers which are inaccessible to us customers, being turned inward.  OK.  I hunt around but can find no handy paper and pencil provided.  What am I to do?  Write it on my hand?  Yeah, that's what the young ones would do, isn't it?  Wait!  They'd probably key it into their phones.  Stupid phone. 

Strike Two.  A rummage through my purse produces a notebook and a pen.  As I'm carefully transcribing number and size - all patterns seem to be multi-size now - I realize that I should check the price.  I know that some designer patterns used to be way more expensive.   Yikes!  One pattern, no specialness, will cost me almost $20. Now, with multi-size and a willingness to re-trace all the sizes, I could conceivably start my own garment factory.  I think that's the only way I could recoup the cost of this pattern.  When I consider the cost of new fabric which fortunately I'm not needing, I can see why sewing/fabric stores may be on the decline.  I am certainly not going to make more than one of anything. 

Strike Three...and I'm out of there,  thinking that my attitude is all down to the internet.  I have been knitting up a storm with free patterns, or relatively inexpensive patterns available to download whenever I want.  I can buy any number of magazines for less than $10 which have a multitude of patterns if I want to have designer patterns at my fingertips.  Why are patterns so expensive?  Once upon a time it was cheaper to sew your own clothes.  Yeah, I know...that was when I was young.  Right?

But, seriously.  Why can't the internet do the same for sewing clothes as it has for knitting them?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday wonders - T

T is for Therapy.

Last Friday afternoon, I found myself with some unexpected free time.   I had the car.  I had the first really summery-warm day.  I had an hour.

I decided to drive to the one large fabric store that has managed to survive after Walmart undersold everyone and drove out all competition.  Then when the others had all fallen - but one - they closed their fabric department.  I want to say it's only been a year or so since I was in that fabric store but it's probably been a lot longer than that.  I just haven't been sewing.  So that was my first therapy:  look at all the new fabrics and check out the patterns. 

After my prowl through the fabrics, I drifted around this mall that I hardly ever go to any more.  It's changed and I was happy admiring some new stores, renovations and wondering where other remembered shops and sights had gone.  A flying exit through Winners and the hour was almost up.  Therapy number Two.

But the best was yet to come.  I was feeling relaxed for the first time in ages.  The sun was shining.  If I'd had that kind of car, my top would definitely have come off.  I drove back to my next appointment through the back roads which have built up but still retain more charm than the freeway.   Popped in a Herb Ellis CD, rolled down the window and drove through the (almost) country road back to the city.  Just a joy.  I can still summon up the feeling of total relaxation.  Driving therapy is even better than retail.

And it only took an hour.  Really.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Saturday Stash

Getting back to normal...well, what passes for normal around here.  I've got lots of stash, a couple of projects in hand, one completed and a lot of ideas.

 Completed!  The Floaty Summer topper which is so light and airy it really does float.  Two  issues for me: one, I need a flowery frock to wear with this.  T-shirts and jeans are not quite right, are they?  And I think this sweater looks like a bed-jacket.  Does anyone remember those?  My mother had a couple when I was little.  I had a chenille bed-jacket in pink or yellow.  Maybe there were two...that would explain my color confusion.  So, that makes it even more in need of something that a Jane Austin character might have worn to breakfast.

Using the last of my beautiful Christmas sock yarns, I've started a plain, no-thought-required socks.  I had a lot of different ideas for a special design for this yarn but in the end it didn't really suit cables, lace or ribs.  It just needs to be itself.  The colors are like bright jewels.  

And, to keep my brain from getting too relaxed,I'm trying the Torch Lily Tee.  I love turquoise and I have only about 750 yards of this stuff so after a little explore with all the mags stored in the cupboard - another stash - I found  this pattern.  It'll be a while in the making and I'm glad I have the socks for when I can't stand looking at the charts anymore. 

As for ideas.  Well, you know, yarn isn't the only stash I have.  I have lots and lots of fabric, too.  So I think I'm going to hunt  for some flowered cotton for those mornings when I can relax on the deck with my morning tea.  The sun is beginning to spend more time with us.   I used to sew all my clothes, my kids' clothes and occasionally stuff for husband, too.  Sewing up the wee dress for Gabby, I remembered how much I love sewing.  Let's see if I can fit it in. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

In the Garden

Spending my free time in the garden. 

The sun is shining.  The bees are buzzing.  The apple tree is blooming.  If we can keep the rain away until the bees have done their thing, we may have a few apples this summer.  Last year was a bust.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Sometimes, you just have to have faith.  I admit that I don't always have it even though I've been given many opportunities to practice patience and just wait for the universe to unfold.

When the cold weather became just cool and the green started to come back to the perennials, I wandered around the garden taking stock.   I could see that all the clematis were madly pushing out green leaves and tendrils in their rush to make up for the late start to spring.  All except my only container clematis: Guernsey Cream.  She has beautiful creamy white flowers and lives in a corner of the garden where she can shine alone.
 But, this year, there was no green.  Just a brown stem where there should be green leaves.

So, I made some plans to replace her.  I looked and looked for another Guernsey Cream but nothing.  I almost gave up but then, one day, I came across another white clematis named Henryi.  I took him home hoping that in time he would grow to be a worthy substitute.

Yesterday, this is what I saw when I went to plant Henryi out under the trees.  So tender and delicate,  the green stem carefully climbed out of the earth.  There are tiny hairs on the new leaves that make them look white.  I'm just thrilled to have her back.  But I should have known.  Such miracles have happened in the garden before. 

Now, there are two lovely white clematis in the yard with Henryi  snugly tucked in next  to Etoile Violette.  I'm looking forward to his white flowers contrasting with the masses of purple flowers.  A win-win which brings our clematis family to an even dozen.  I never tire of this plant. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday Wonders - S

S is for Stash.

I'm combining the Saturday stash report with the Sunday alphabet series.  Both were casualties of the BIG April A -Z challenge and a lazy Saturday yesterday.  Slow is another S-word.  I have lots of Show and tell for today, though. 

It seems I've become addicted to the little slipper socks for babies.  And I managed a pair of purple Mary Janes, too.  Who wouldn't want a pair of purple shoes? 

I found this gorgeous little dress idea in the latest Debbie Bliss mag.  So cute.  It's still in,progress as I haven't quite finished sewing the skirt to the bodice and it needs a bit of a press.   I did intend it for my youngest grand-daughter but she may have outgrown it without even trying it on.  I'm waiting for some current measurements.  If it's too small, it will go in the donation box and I can try another size.  Right?  There's always more fabric in that particular Stash, too.

Remember the Year of the Dragon cardi?  It was quickly becoming the 'Drag On' cardi.  It was even Draggin' for a while there.  I just couldn't make up my mind what to do to finish the front.  Buttons were supposed to fit through the pattern stitches down the front.  There are holes - no actual buttonholes - but they were smaller than I liked - the buttons would have been really insignificant.  So, I opted for a zipper and I just happened to have exactly the right length in my Stash.  Is that not meant to be?

And, currently on the needles...another Debbie Bliss design.  This is going to be my Fancy-pants Summer Cardi.  It's going so quickly and I love the yarn.  It was just hanging out in the Stash.  It's sort of mohair-y but not as much halo.  There are two different fibers because the light bounces off them differently giving a really interesting color effect.  I'm not sure where it even came from but I'm glad it wandered my way. 

And that's what I've been doing the last few weeks.  I'll be back with the regularly scheduled programming next weekend. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Remember that talk about needing a challenge yesterday?  I actually do have an ongoing reading challenge which tends to get overlooked in the crush of more important stuff to think about and do.

I have to read from a list - of my own making - of books published in 1983.  This is all part of the Birth Year Reading Challenge.  If you want to know why 1983 - no it's not my birth year - you can go here for the reasons. 

A-anyway, I have just finished Ironweed by William Kennedy. In 1984 he won a Pulitzer Prize for this novel.  It is number three in a trilogy but I haven't read the first two.  I didn't find it necessary since most of the background is explained as the story unfolds.  Not sure I would say I enjoyed this book but it was intriguing.  And the characters grabbed me which, as you know, is the surest way to my reading heart. 

Ironweed is set in the Great Depression and tells the story of Francis Phelan's return to his home town of Albany NY.  He's been on the road for a long time, an alcoholic and a vagrant.   He works when he needs money for a drink or a flop.  His family is his pals and his memories.  He hallucinates and chats with people that he's killed in his life before he hit the road.  He was a baseball player with local fame. 

This was a slow and thoughtful read because I needed to savor the characters.  The memory of being with Francis on his journey back to his home stuck with me.  You really feel the grit under his collar, the grime of living from the back seat of a car to a flophouse to sleeping rough in a ditch.  His need for home and family and the fear of returning is palpable. 

Someone told me there was a movie made of this with Jack Nicholson.  As always, I'm glad I didn't know that when I was reading the book.  If I had been asked to cast the movie, I would have tried for Henry Fonda.  Just sayin'

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I dare you!

I was thinking about how nice it was to take a blogging break after the hectic pace of the A-Z Challenge.  It was nice to let the brain cells relax but I missed everyone.  That's what happens when the party's over.  Everyone goes home and there's only popped balloons and cake crumbs left amid the tattered and limp streamers.

So, my shower thoughts this morning turned to challenges.  And then to dares.  What's the difference?  I'm always up for a challenge - always!  But I'm a little more wary of dares. 

To me a challenge is its own reward.  It must be hard enough to seem almost impossible but not totally.  For instance, if someone challenged me to a foot race, I'd probably see that as more of a dare.  I know I'd lose.  But I'm not always that clever nor are challenges always so obviously not winnable.  In fact,  having only an outside chance at winning  makes a challenge really worthy.  I really like having the competition to force me to up my game. 

But a dare is also something that is within reach - just.  It does have risk involved but perhaps the risk is more than just losing face.  The risk could be bodily injury, jail or exile from the gang.  However, beginning a challenge which is only just doable also has similar risks.  Climbing Everest is certainly risking injury. The jail result could be from any number of illegal - and stupid - stunts that we humans do.  And exile?  Well, if I challenge myself to do something and I fail, then I may exile myself from the challenge group.  But a dare seems to have more dire and lasting consequences.  Or, does it? 

OK...that's enough mental meandering.  I definitely think I need to find another challenge, don't you?  Anybody got one?  Go, on...I dare you!