Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Book to Cross

I'm always a little sad when I finish a book - any book. Somehow, books just seem to abandon me. The world we've been sharing for the past few days is over. And, sometimes, a book's atmosphere really the wisps of a dream left upon waking.

"The Map of Love" by Ahdaf Soueif is just such a book. I've been living in pre-WW1, as well as, modern Egypt for days now. I've learned about Middle-East politics of the past and present and particularly the European colonial power struggles in that region. I've been given interesting insights into the linguistics of the Arab language. And, I've enjoyed a good romance. Oh, did I mention that the writing is pretty darn good, too. This novel was short-listed for the Booker prize in 1999. To be balanced in my review, I have to admit that it was a pretty long read. But when you're transported to another time and place, who really wants it to end?

I'm getting this novel ready for Bookcrossing later this week. If you'd like to have it crossed to you, just let me know. I usually leave my books on the bus stop bench down the street. It's been, by far, the most successful drop site for me. I even have a book that made it to Cairo. If you want to see my bookshelf, my ID is 'fiberlover'.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we could do a trade, I just finished a Booker prize winner, called "Inheritance of Loss"
    that took me to Northern India.


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