Thursday, September 29, 2011

First encounter

I finally met my newest grand-daughter, Gabriella.

And I have the Grammy photos to prove it. 

That first cuddle with a new grandbaby is always a thrill.  Of course, Gabby seems pretty unexcited about the whole thing...

Until she opens her eyes and, then: "Whoa! this isn't Mom!"

She'll never be this little again.  


  1. No, she won't ever be that little again. But she'll always be adorable!

  2. Oh she is gorgeous! So small and cuddly, I'm nearly scratching the screen to get a hold!
    And she has a beautiful head of hair too!

  3. Oh, SOOOO cute!!!! It makes me pine for the days my son was tiny!! She is adorable! Do you live very close? We have a baby Gabriella in our family, too. Our great niece.

  4. She won't be that small for long - so you'd best get even more cuddles in!

    She is adorable - welcome, baby Gabriella! :-)

  5. Oh...she's so sweet. I bet that thrill takes your breath away. Enjoy!

  6. Congrats! She is so cute! I happen to have a grand daughter with the same name -and we call her Gabby too:):) Gabby is 10 years old now and loves knitting, after I taught her.

  7. She is just beautiful!! You are so blessed.

  8. She is so sweet. I had been wanting to read all about her.

  9. Congratulations. Very sweet.

    I'm still waiting for a grandchild; maybe it will never happen. Meanwhile I can get a vicarious thrill from Gabby.

  10. Congratulations! She is beautiful.

  11. Wow! Look at that head of hair. Congrats to Alex and Maria!!


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