Saturday, December 8, 2012

Saturday Stash

Thank you for the birthday wishes.  One of my gifts is definitely stash-related.  I got a phone with headset so I can talk and knit at the same time.  Yay! 

Last week was a bit of a disaster knitting-wise.  I am still working on the yarn that was given to me a couple of weeks ago and I thought I was making great progress with the almost full ball of this beautiful lavender yarn.  I was knitting up a sweet little poncho (pattern here)  and had to start knitting faster and faster because the yarn was running out.  Usually that works but not this time.   I couldn't even fake an ending.  So, I just pulled it all out and I will re-knit it in a smaller size.  That should take care of the yarn quantity issue. 

Then I picked myself up, dusted myself off and began another little sweater with the second ball of white.  Oh, you didn't think I was going to get right at the down-sized poncho, did you?  A bit of distance is needed.  Can you see that this is another Fair Isle project?  I am such a glutton for punishment.  I liked the textures and the bit of color work seemed minor.  And there were  cables in the yoke - love those cables.  Oh, and it's seamless, too.  I won't say it's easy but it is small which goes on the good side of the difficulty ledger. 

I think I have a couple of pairs of socks to knit before Christmas so I will have to shut down the stash knitting in the next week.  I think.  Stay tuned. 


  1. I like your knitting faster technique. I'm shocked it didn't work. LOL

  2. I look forward to our phone call tomorrow - now you don't have to be jealous of me knitting and chatting while your hands are idle!

  3. You always inspire me to get'r done projects that I have on the back burner. Those that you just can't find the time to get to. I love the little white sweater. Sometimes you have to take something apart to make it all work right, good luck with the poncho

  4. The headset sounds like a perfect solution.

    Sorry about the poncho. I've no doubt you'll get it right the second time around. The sweater is beautiful, though, so at least there is something to savor. All is not lost.

  5. I haven't crocheted for almost a year. Lately I've been wanting to take it up again. Maybe work on my Tunisian crochet blanket again. It would keep my feet warm while working on it.

  6. Sorry I missed your birthday. Belated wishes anyway.


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