Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring Fever

I know, I know.  It's not really spring.  But I think that from the end of May on, I have a hankering for spring.  It's my very favorite season.  But, no, it is still winter here despite bulbs shooting up and hummingbirds flying around the winter-blooming shrubs.  For the past couple of years we've had hummers over-winter, so it's no longer a sign of spring. 

No, around here, spring fever is heralded by the smell of paint in the house.  There are cupboards being sorted, organized and cleaned out.  Even some stuff moved out of the house.  That's to make room for more yarn, of course!

This year, the bathroom beckoned.  When we bought the house, we didn't plan on renovating the bathroom.  But some rot in a wall made it all necessary.  We had blown our budget just with fixtures and tradespeople to install them, so the decorating was done as thriftily as possible.  The only splurge was for a tiler.

We used the old cabinet and vanity and always thought it looked pretty good.  But suddenly, this winter, it began to look, well, tired.  And, the gray and white that had seemed so fresh a couple of years back no longer appealed.  So, paint chips and shopping trips were plugged into the schedule. 

This is what we came up with.  Nothing like our original plan which was for a green wall and a white cabinet.  While mucking about with the paint ideas, we got stuck on this warm putty color.  And we decided that we wanted a dark cabinet.   A few brushed steel knobs and it's a completely different room.  Amazing.

Oh, yeah. And Mr & Mrs Chickadee have been eye-balling the real estate offerings already.  They're getting a head start on spring, too.


  1. I love the putty colour!
    Must be great to have that bit of decorating done, and now you can sit back and enjoy it!

  2. I too have to re-do my bathroom and I want to do it as thriftily as possible. Haven't really decided on what to do yet as there are so many options I would prefer than thrifty, lol. Your bathroom looks nice and I'm glad you found a way to make it work.

  3. Your bathroom looks great!! I love the colors you ended up choosing. Well done! blessings ~ tanna

  4. Love that cabinet, the room looks great.

  5. It looks beautiful! I love the neutral color on the wall and the eye-popping cabinet. Gorgeous.


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