Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Wonders - O

O is for Old-fashioned.   Or is it timeless?

How many grandmothers have taught children how to knit?  Down through the ages, I would think a great many.  We can take the time that moms don't always have.  It's a quiet sharing activity that brings us close.  It's also a time for us to reflect on the history of knitting and what a six-year-old might have done in generations gone by.  She might have been knitting the leg of a stocking a hundred years ago.

For today's young knitter, we're making a cube.  Or maybe a box without a lid.  It all depends on how many sides we want to make.  We've had a geometry lesson, too.   There's a whole lot of technique learned in knitting up a bunch of squares.  Do you see how fast that knitting needle is moving?


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a sweet picture! I was much older when some people taught me a bit. I concocted a tiny pointed nose warmer with loops to fit around your ears. It was hilarious! Don't think I ever knitted anything again. She is fast with the needles! She is six? Post what she did and show us! Maybe she can use the cube to put some trinkets or jewelry in.

Peg said...

My mother learned from her father. He knit and darned his socks in his tent in England during WWI.

Rudee said...

I wish I had a grandchild I could teach to knit. You're so lucky, and by the looks of things, she's nothing if not fast!

Word verification: bless


Gill - That British Woman said...

my nana tried to teach me to knit, but it was a lost cause......just couldn't get it?


Lindy said...

And so the tradition continues. I can't think of a better teacher for her! =)

Cindy said...

Sooo right, grandma's are about teaching. Thanks for the reminder I went back to when my grandma taught me a thing or two, today she shill inspires me long after she is gone.

Empty Nester said...

That is awesome! Two of our four daughters learned to knit with me. One kept it up. I need to send her to you though so she can really learn something!

Jeannette StG said...

I come from a country where they would teach knitting and crocheting in school 2nd-5th grade (don't know how it is now, 20 years later!).
So I'm so happy that at least one of my grand kids is interested in knitting:)


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