Sunday, November 28, 2010


Just reporting that I think I will recover.  Two things I have discovered:

1.  I won't be depending on morphine or her little sister, dilaudid, for any more help.  That made me feel so-o-o sick.  I filled the prescription, took one and spent the rest of the day and night with a basin.  I wasn't sure if it was the residual morphine that they shot into me at the ER.  But I took no more after midnight and feel a lot better this morning.

2.  Muscle relaxers are wonderful! 

I'm not complaining about the meds I  was worked quickly and took the excruciating pain away.  But I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, apparently.  And if it's dull pain vs swimming head and dehydration, I'll take the pain.  Advil and Tylenol seem to be holding it at bay quite nicely right now.  So, full marks to the ER doctor for getting me back on my feet. 

Thanks to all who've left me good wishes and helpful advice.  I appreciate it. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

We have a winner!

I did tell you I was a morning gal and sure enough, I was up early this morning.  Only I couldn't get myself out of bed.  Every time I moved toward the edge, a muscle spasmed in my back and kep me pinned there.  Hey, you know what you need to do first thing in the morning, right?  Lots of incentive to push  through that pain.

And I did it!  But then, I had to walk bent over double.  I couldn't lift my arm, turn my body or stand up straight.  Cue the ambulance.  They got me out of the house with some nitrous oxide and I had my very first ambulance ride.  I don't recommend it although the conductor was very kind and encouraging. 

Then, of course, one waits in the ER for answers and help.  It's just a muscle so no need for x-rays.  After my shots of muscle relaxer and morphine, it didn't take very long for me to get back on my feet.  Home now, I've made my draw for the scarf giveaway.

Random Number Generator rotated the numbers, had a little think and spat out the number "1".  And, numero uno just happens to be Ginny.  Ginny, I will get this in the mail as soon as I can get to the Post Office.  And, since I know you've been ill, I hope this news cheers you up and you are 'in the pink' again, very soon.

Thanks, to every one who played along.  I wish I had a bunch more scarves to share.  This was fun and I was as excited about it as the entrants.  One of these days, there'll be another one.  There's always something to celebrate. 

As for me...I'm off to find those meds.  And maybe a nap.

Friday, November 26, 2010

No pride at all!

So, it snowed here.  Looks pretty and all but I'm not a big fan.  When you have to do stuff, it definitely inconveniences.

I live close enough to everything, that I don't have to worry about driving.  As I found out yesterday, walking can also be hazardous!

I had walked to my meeting as the snow poured down.  So far, so good.  Walked another 20 minutes over rutted paths in the snow to get to my piano lesson.  And I was walking home, feeling pretty darn good, when -  Whoops!  I was down!  I was just about home, walking past some shops, when my foot hit a bit of snow that looked solid but had melted underneath from salt spread earlier in the day.  Down I went. 

The part that amazed me, once I had figured out that I had no broken bones, was that no one came to see if I was OK.  I know I yelled - more in anger than fear - and I lay on the ground for at least a minute.  I suppose that all the passersby, bus waiters and shop customers thought if I was sitting up I must be good. 

I have a stiff knee and a sore back but  I'll heal.  The rain has come to melt all the snow - just a few hours too late for me. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

People's Choice

Remember your voting on a yarn color for my Olivier pullover?  The sweater is finished and I knew you'd all want to see it.  It was very cold during the photo shoot...not to much hanging around for retakes.

Actually, it's been done for a week but  had to wait for it's turn in the blog rota.  So, I've been wearing it to keep warm in our deep freeze this past couple of days.  I can report that it's warm, comfy and the yarn is so soft.  And I had enough left  to make a hat and neck warmer.

I love the cables and the collar.  There are also fake elbow patches but I'm not so crazy about those.  My elbows must be stuck in the wrong place - the patches are nowhere near them.  Not too hard, though, I could be tempted to make another.
Thanks, everyone, for choosing this color.  It's perfect.

Only a few days left to enter my giveaway draw.  Leave a comment on the Giveaway post - to the right in sidebar. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Remember summer?

It's so-o cold here.  I'm remembering as hard as I can.  Let's go look at some Ruby Tuesday reds with Mary T right here

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Today's the day.  We need some warm yellow on this frosty day...

Look at all the pretty ponies brushed up and waiting for a new playmate.

For more warming yellows, visit Drowsey Monkey right here.

Sunday wonders - I

I is for Inside.

This is a milkweed pod.  It's nothing like its former pink flower (photo in sidebar)  that attracted so many bees and, supposedly, monarch butterflies.  My friends who come from the East laughed when I actually paid money for a weed.   And, since we have absolutely no chance of a monarch arriving on our plant, it was even more laughable. 

Don't care, says I.  Look what's inside those drab pods.  The seeds are like tiny burnished pieces of wood.  So golden and warm they might have summer stored away inside.  And then, there is the silly tuft of white troll hair.  This plant just keeps on giving happiness in all seasons. 

We might have to look inside for the good stuff.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


No, it's not really a surprise.  Those weather folks have been warning us all week but somehow we really didn't think it would happen.

Snow.  It's pretty today because I have nowhere I need to go.  I can just put on my boots and go for a walk.  I'll need those boots because it looks like pretty wet snow and not really enough for anything but a snowball or two!

They say we can expect more - much more - this winter.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Not Jimmy Choo

If I had to create an audio backdrop to my childhood, I think it would be covered in words.  Specifically, folk sayings.  Growing up,  this was just the way my parents talked.  My Dad's were a bit saltier than my Mom's but hers could be pretty earthy.  None of my friends had parents who talked in sayings.  There was one to suit any occasion.  I finally decided it was because they came from Nova Scotia and no one out on this coast had the same language. 

Recently,  I've been hearing one of my father's more common pronouncements:  "A fool and his money are soon parted",  each time I look at my latest purchase.  You know that this is the most expensive roll of tape I've ever bought!

But then I remember what really sold it to me and I hear my mother's gentler voice saying: "Every little bit helps, said the old woman as she piddled in the sea". 

So, I think my father is mistaken.  I am richer because I smile whenever I see the fun pink shoe on my desk. I have helped even if only in a small way.   And, because I have such a  treasury of sayings that I also use every single day.  Just ask my kids!   I wonder if they also use them?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


In celebration of being the lucky recipient of two giveaways,  I wanted to share something with my blogging friends.  Well, with just one lucky friend  since there's only one prize.

Last night I finished the Cherry Bomb scarf - it's so pretty and cheerful.  It's knit from Zig,  a rayon and cotton novelty yarn with several textures and shades of cherry pink.  It is 60 inches long and 6 inches wide.  Very soft and slinky and the shiny bits give it a glam factor.

I'll make a random draw on Saturday, November 27 at 9 am PST - I'm a morning person.   To be entered into the random draw just leave a comment on this post  before that time.  That's it...and good luck!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You asked!

Here's a close-up of the Jughead Beanie and Mitts that I was wearing to count bottles last Saturday.  I don't look nearly as cheerful in this photo, do I?

I knit these as a spin-off from a project Yarnway challenge.  I wrote about the challenge here and there's another photo of the beanie.  The model used there is very elegant.   I, on the other hand,  look like I'm ready to deliver a karate chop to the photographer.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Not-so-Top Chef

I like to experiment with cooking.  I'm not very fond of recipes anymore and like to just kind of throw things together.  Those 'black-box' cooking shows are my inspiration.  Hey!  If they can throw sea urchins and parsley root in the blender and make ice cream, why can't I?  This past week, I was using up some stuff in the fridge -  just call it 'white-box cuisine' and making soup and salad - my two favorite food groups.  Not always according to plan, though.

Experiment number 1: Spicy Yam Soup
  Take two yams, dice and throw in the soup pot with a chopped, onion which has been sauteed in olive oil with 4 cloves of garlic.  Add a couple of chopped carrots, however much chopped zucchini you have (or not), a big tablespoon of grated ginger,  some cumin and saute together with onion mixture.  Add about 5 cups of veg. stock, about 1/4 cup of peanut butter - I used chunky.   ** Definitely, the optional part:  I added one whole chipotle pepper  (seeds removed and chopped).  Cook until veg. are soft then whir up with the hand blender.

I love chipotle pepper's smoky heat but this might have been a bit too much - half would have been better.  Adding yogurt to the soup before serving cooled it down.    Really warms the cockles!

Experiment number 2: Pear & Fig Salad
 This is more method than recipe - in a large salad bowl, tear up a head of romaine lettuce.  Add a diced fresh pear, some diced figs (mine weren't fresh but a very soft dried kind), some green chopped green onion.  Splash on olive oil, balsamic vinegar and maple syrup and toss.  Add as much fresh goat cheeses as you like and some toasted pecans.  Yum!

Last night my experiment went a bit sideways.  I had this grand idea of reducing some maple syrup and coating the pecans .  I took my eye off the pan for just a minute and they all started smoking!  Not too charred so we ate them anyway but plain toasted is better as the extra syrup made it way too sweet.

Experiments don't always work but mostly the food is edible.  The photo is another soup but it looks like what I made.  And I like to have a picture of something!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday wonders - H

H is for Hero.
Conversations, posts and media coverage of our war veterans has made me think about the heroes I have had in my life.  While there are many people I admire, I think that the word hero implies an added power. As kids, we all have heroes. 

My first heroes were my Mom and Dad.  My Dad could do anything - I thought - and my Mom  could draw the best pictures of people.  And her pages in my coloring book looked so nice. 

Once I went to school, I transferred all my attention to my teacher.  Having a hero was evolving into wanting to be like that person.  I made up my mind in Grade One that I would be a teacher like Mrs Bowyer.  And I  was very fond of Dick and Jane books.  I always wanted to live on Pleasant Street.  I could read before I went to school but I'd never met Dick and Jane 'til then.

Heroes came and went as I went through school.  My heroes began to reflect a power that I wanted to adopt.  Some were definitely not of this world:  I loved Superman comics.  I don't know if he was a true hero for me but the flying part was so cool. 

As a gawky teenager, I wanted to possess the cool poise of Grace Kelly.  I knew I wasn't ever going to be a princess and didn't really want to be one.  But having straight blond hair, fashionable clothes and the ability to look good in them. Oh, yes!  I admit to being somewhat shallow as a teenager.

As a university student, I was immersed in music of the times.  One of my surprising heroes came from this time.  I always wanted to be Janis Joplin.  I was still young, OK?   But, her wonderful voice, her ability to share her feelings through her music and the apparent freedom drew me closer. Her voice, so raw and powerful, touched me as no voice or music ever has. 

Now, I can look back and see that all my heroes were a means of self-improvement.  I was always trying to correct deficiencies I perceived in myself.  Now, I look around at the world and see that heroism isn't a comic book super-power.  There are so many acts of heroism, every day, all over the world.  They aren't all larger than life.  In fact, most are small, quiet and unknown. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cleaning up

Today was another busy day.  It was a huge sale day for the seniors center.  Lots of books,  yummy baking and  useful and pretty crafts were on offer. 

This particular sale is held every fall and this year we decided to add a bottle and can recycling drive to the mix.  OK, I confess that it was me who added it.  No one else wants to stand in a parking lot in November sorting and counting beverage containers.   But I'm a happy camper.  I'm not having to serve food, sell stuff or handle money.  It's an upbeat kind of job as everyone who comes in is happy.  I have lots of time to talk to people and that's always fun.  Best of all, I'm outside in the fresh air.  This was also the debut of my Jughead hat and mitts gear.  I'm happy to report that they did splendidly.  Oh, and it didn't rain! 


Friday, November 12, 2010


The other day, someone brought in a large box full of these sock kits.  They donated it to the craft group at the seniors center.

Since they don't knit socks and they know I occasionally teach a sock-knitting class, they wondered if I could use them.  The yarn is two different kinds of mohair which, in the pattern, is knit with all three strands together.  Each kit knits a pair of  variegated color socks like the samples.  I'm sure they'd be warm and hard-wearing. 

I'm not sure, though, what to do with them.  I doubt I would use them in a class.  But, since there are more than 20 kits,  I considered  selling them and donating the proceeds.  That is my current favorite plan.  Right now, I'm curious about the kit maker.  Does anyone know who Glenys Morgan is?  Did she dye the mohair herself?  The colors are quite jewel-like and there are some skeins of the dyed curly mohair leftover from unmade kits.  The group can always knit up the extra mohair into hats and mitts. 

Any other ideas?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Poppies for remembrance

Today is Remembrance Day.  We were at our local service to remember the veterans of all the wars where Canada has had a presence.

There was a red poppy pinned on everyone's lapel.  Wreaths of poppies were laid at the cenotaph.  I didn't take my camera- these are poppies  in our garden last summer. 

My dad served in WW2  with the Air Force as a rear gunner.  Having seen the planes with their protruding gun turret 'bubbles', I can only imagine - and not very well - how terrifying it must have been.  Dad never talked about 'his' war with us.  The Air Force we heard about and it was a part of our lives for many years.  But never the war. 

Like so many of the WW2 vets, Dad is no longer here to to march in the parade.  He did so for many years.  He played the snare drum in the local pipe band.  When I was a kid, hearing the 'Last Post' played brought tears to my eyes.  This morning, played so hauntingly by a young woman, it happened again. 

Thank you, veterans. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Old stuff

Did you wonder where I found my vintage cars?

A pub downtown celebrated it's re-opening on Sunday by throwing an 85th  birthday party for the repeal of prohibition in Canada.  Seeing as it was a sunny day, we jumped on a bus and joined the party. 

Having an old Coke delivery truck seemed appropriate given our tough new drinking and driving laws.

Flappers and gangsters were on hand to make us feel at home.

While the music plays on, our new friends seem to be in a bit of bother with the constabulary.

The name hasn't changed at all from when I was a student and exploring the big city.  The old sign is still there...

...but so is a stylish new one (the curtains are just for the party).  Doesn't quite have the same feel, does it?  Even what we call these establishments has changed.  This would have been known as a 'beer parlor' when it opened and well into the 1960's.  The designation: 'pub' has slowly taken over and is now the norm.  But the whole concept is different.  You wouldn't find much to eat in a beer parlor.  Who would've wanted to do that?  Our lunch here was delicious.

Cheers, Lamplighter!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

Indulging my automotive fantasies...

A vibrant and youthful-looking Packard. 

Ruby Tuesday lets you show off your reds.  Visit Mary T here and play along.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Look at this fabulous car - a 1927 Buick!

The wooden spokes on the wheels just wowed me.  And the color.   Oh, heck,  everything about it is great.

You can see that there is some random yellow in the photo - but it's really all about the car.  For more yellow, random or not, visit Drowsey Monkey right here and join in the Mellow Yellow fun.

Sunday wonders - G

G is for Glitter.
After the rainstorm, the sun showed the garden all dressed for the ball...

The beautyberry...

anemone bush...

the last blueberry...






Nature inspires me.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ruby Tuesday

A feathered ruby for today...

A downy woodpecker takes the easy road to snacks at a suet feeder.  OK, it is the hard way to do it but he's too big to get inside the mesh like the smaller birds can.

More red can be seen on Mary T's Ruby Tuesday meme...go here.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday

Oh, yes, please, let's have some nice yellows.  It's November and, of course, that means rain here.

It was a nice sunny day when we toured the Korean ship.  This seems to be a communication tube - nice rope decorating, isn't it?

For more mellow yellowness,  visit Drowsey Monkey right here.