Friday, January 21, 2011

Reading Challenge

Does anyone remember the Birth Year Reading Challenge that I started last year?  I didn't get very far with birth year was kind of a dud (except for me, that is).  There were not so many new books just after the WW2, I guess.    It was so long ago that the library no longer had those few books around.   So, this year you'll see that there's a little twist been added.  I can climb aboard a Time Machine.

I chose to go forward and clicked on the virtual dice to see what number I would add to my birth year.  7 - a lucky number, I think!  I dialled in 1953 and stepped out into a whole new world of literary offerings.  I was doubly pleased with this year because it's the year I started school - a huge milestone in my life.

I had been kept out until I was almost 7 - despite the fact that I could read and write and color in the lines.  The rules were age 6 by the end of November.  Just a few days more and I'd've made it.  But being a Baby Boomer had it's downside and schools were overcrowded.  The rules were applied rigorously.

But here I am with a whole new set of books to read.  This was a wonderful year for new stuff - many I've already read and a second time 'round will be a treat.  I wonder if I'll react the same way? 

Here's the whole list taken from Wikipedia's info...see what I mean?

There's also a handful of new plays and some short stories that also could be fit in.  Is the year long enough?  If you want to join in on this challenge, sign up over at the  Hotchpot Cafe.  Should be fun and I''m sure to do better than last year.


Rudee said...

That's quite the reading list.

Good luck!

You could search for a knitting pattern printed around that time for a knit along!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I've read hundreds of books in my life, but I haven't read a single one of these!! Though of course I've heard of many of them. I didn't start school till I was 7, as well!!! With a huge overcrowded classroom, I think over 30. Back then, there weren't many kindergardens, that was a new thing. And forget about pre-schools!!

J.G. said...

Welcome back to the BYRC, and what a great list to choose from! Do consider the Mark Harris. Even though it's a baseball book, Harris has a way with words and characters that makes this book more than a sports story.

Rose said...

What a cool idea! I'll have to see what's on the list for 1960!

Mimi said...

I wondered whether you had gone any further with it last year.
Delighted that you found rich pickings 7 years on!
And I like Rudee's idea of an old knitting pattern!


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