Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A walk

Summer is lingering here with us.  It has become more common for September to be just another summer month...even the week before the official start of fall.

We went for a walk by a lake we rarely visit.  It's a bit of a drive to get there but so worth it.  It was so quiet in the woods that you could almost hear those leaves falling. 

It was a school day.  You can learn a lot from a day on the water.

You can study center of gravity and floatation and leverage and stuff like that.

 Maybe biology is more your subject?  Do those long bristles mean a cold winter ahead?

Whatever.  The day is warm and it's much better when you share it with friends. Just what we did. 


Angie said...

Wonderful day out!

Rudee said...

You deserve to have summer linger since it was so late this year in coming on the scene. Enjoy!

Mimi said...

Our summer has been exactly like yours, and September days have been better for the most part than summer. Pity, cos the kids are back at school.
I'd love if we could take a class off to a lake like that, and I agree with you that there's lots of learning to be had lakeside.
Glad you had such a lovely day!


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