Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Birthday gifts

It's Anne's birthday today.

She's in hospital having tests done for the past couple of days and they don't allow flowers.

I'll take the laptop in with these peonies which always bloom on her birthday. 

And one of the baby chickadees getting around the plants to find their own food.  I think they're teenagers now.  It was awfully hard to capture them.  They skittered away when I got within 20 feet and it was raining as you can see.

Here's a whole bouquet...Happy Birthday!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful and inventive thought to just bring her the computer and show her the things she can't have in the hospital. Quite frankly, I never would have thought of that. I know that even being in the hospital, you will make sure she still has a great birthday. Keep us posted on what the doctors find. I am glad that thay are finally running tests to get to the bottom of this. Love that bud with the raindrops on it. Chickadees are flitters, too hyped up to be still for a second.

Mimi said...

Happy Birthday Anne!
That's really thoughtful of you to take the photos and then bring in the laptop.
Hope she's allowed a bit of cake!


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