Friday, January 18, 2013

Fifty Fridays #24

I had another plan for this photo post.  But, my memory must have been playing tricks on me.  I have searched and searched through the photos and can't find the one I thought was there.  It was of my mother and her bicycle.  Someone else must have it because I know it existed once. 

So, instead, this is the offering for today.  I think it is even more interesting in its way.  This is my mother's grandparents' family photo.  It was taken outside their family farm home around 1899.  I think it might have been ne of those travelling photographers who would come round to the farms.  The whole family would have been hustled into their best clothing.  Everyone always looks so serious in these photographs.  It's hard to believe that they ever laughed or had fun.  I'm sure they must have done. 

From my grandchildren's perspective, these are great-great-great grandparents and the relevant aunties and uncles.  To me they were all people of story.  I heard many many stories about all of these relatives as my mother had known them all her life.   But they are as mysterious to me as they will be to my grandchildren.  I remember some of the stories that I was told but I have forgotten so many details of what Mom shared. 

The farm house was right on the water on the Gulf Shore of Nova Scotia.  It is now gone.  I am told that Anne Murray (yes, the singer!) built a summer home where the house was.  It must have been a beautiful place to have a farm.  Growing up in those times - on a farm - would have been hard work.  Perhaps there wasn't a lot of time to reflect on the beauty but I'm sure that they did.  My mother often talked of spending time on the farm and how much she loved it there.  But she would have been a little girl and not expected to do much more than feed the chickens or collect the eggs. 

I love the father's stern look.  I think it would have been like that whether the picture demanded it or not.  Those drooping mustaches just seem so dour.  Only the smallest child seems to have any life to her.  I think she looks like she's ready to spring away from the group. See how Mother is holding her hand tight against her lap?  And I'll bet she was Father's favorite, too.  That little hand on his knee seems to be there for comfort.

My great-great-grandmother would have been about 36 when this photo was taken.  There would be two more children - boys - yet to come.  The oldest son would have been around 17.  He already looks like a man full-grown and ready to do a man's share of the work.  My grandmother is the tall girl on the right. 

I wish I could remember all those stories. 


Angie said...

Treasure photo - I hope you are writing down what you can remember.

Tanna said...

The stories do seem to fade away don't they. The good of your doing these posts is that what you do remember will remain. I've always been amused by the serious looks of all old photos and wondered what they said before the photo, certainly not "say cheese". ;) blessings ~ tanna

Anonymous said...

As we get older we seem to find more meaning and similarities to our own family in photos. We can imagine the personalities, we have seen some of those looks and postures passed down through the ages.

Mimi said...

That is an old photo, I have nothing that goes back so far. It's lovely that you have even some stories to go with the faces, or the other way round.
People always posed serious, didn't they? My old photos are the same, even ones my mother took of her family. And the hats, love them!
Different life.


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