Friday, February 26, 2010

Rats! Disqualified.

This is a very pink Rat from the Chinese zodiac lanterns that we found on our trip to the O Zone last week.  But, sadly,  I have been left on the bench and I'll just be watching the events on TV this weekend.

I had planned to get out on the town for one more Olympic explore to share.  A nasty cold has sidelined me for any trips out.  There is talk of leaving some of the displays in place for the Paralympics later in March so all is not lost. I hear that they'll leave the zipline, too, so maybe the line-ups won't be so long and I'll get a chance to ride. 

Since our weather is not as spectacular as last week, I won't mind staying inside with a good book, my knitting and the TV.


Rudee said...

I hope you're feeling better, soon.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I just love your rascally pink rat with the blue mask!! A very cool picture, indeed! I'm so sorry about your cold! Cold FX is made in Canada and one of the few things that has been proven to really shorten a cold-you may want to give that a try. Just natural ingredients. What are the Paralympics? And when? Perhaps you can still go and have fun. The weather sounds awful, wonder how they worked around that in the ancient Greek Olympics, where they performed naked? Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Well, perhaps the weather now is better for the sports at Whistler.

The rat lantern is cool.

Rose said...

Hope you feel better. I just got to catch up on your blog since it's been crazy around here. Love the socks and the cranberries, and of course the rat!!

Joanna said...

Sorry you couldn't make it out. I've been enjoying the Olympics vicariously through your blog, Stephanie.

DiamondVVV1 said...

Hope you're feeling better Stephanie. The Olympic adventure continues, and the place is definitely in the "Spirit of BC".


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