The bush tits come around to get a drink quite often. But this is the first time, I've seen them actually take a dip.
Their technique is quite awkward - maybe they're afraid of water. They gather on the edges and look for a long time. Then, a big jump through the water with a lot of wing-flapping gets them in and out too quickly for my camera lens to capture.
The bird bath is a pretty popular place these days with birds, bees and even squirrels. If I were the size of Tinker Bell, I could swim there, too.
Imagine how fun it would be to swim with the birds in that little grotto. I went swimming with my dogs last night though. Well, actually just Maggie since Geordie only wades. The lake was like soup, but still it cooled us off.
I heard you guys were having a bit of a hot spell there! I hope you are managing to keep cool.
It's still pretty moderate here although at the sun is shining. That's a change for the good!
I love your photos.
Aren't they cute?
Is that a hanging basket under the bird bath?
Mimi- it is a hanging basket with a flat ceramic dish for the bath. It's up in a tree where the cats aren't likely to get at it.
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