Saturday, March 7, 2009


It's great to have friends who send you information. How else would we know about 5 Minute Chocolate Cake? And, it's even better when friends send it to you just before you have a big babysitting night with the grand-kids.

Since that's the case, we thought it would be a good idea to test it before we got the kids involved with making a cake. What if it didn't work? What if it 'sploded all over the microwave?

Well, as you can see it does work, it doesn't explode and it's pretty yummy, too.

This is supposed to serve one (decadently) and two (virtuously) but I think it will actually make four servings. Think warm brownie - with ice cream, of course.

Recipe review: we didn't add chocolate chips as some people have. We used less vanilla than some. The texture and taste is a lot like those chocolate pudding cakes that Mom used to make without the sauce part. Quite good without the additives. The easy factor? 9 out of 10 so I think the kids will be able to help make their own dessert tonight.

Thanks, Elaine...we needed that.


Joanna said...

Looks good and sounds good. Darn, we don't have a microwave or I would try it. I like the idea of an easy recipe that doesn't make a whole pan of something. When there's a pan of something yummy around I can't stop thinking about it until it's all gone.

Penny McKinlay said...

Thanks, this sounds great. Quick and lots of sugar and chocolate.


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